Mark your calendars! My AARP Colleague Jana Lynott and I will be giving a webinar titled "Housing and Transportation for the Boomers and Beyond" for the American Planning Association's webinar series - This Friday, September 28 at 1pm ET.
Anyone can sign up, and it's free!
To register, go to:
For more on APA's webinar series, go to
Tell a friend, and I'll see you there!
From the event description: We'll be covering national and state data on housing and transportation relevant to an aging population. Hear how disability rates, family structures, foreclosure rates, and the age of homes have shifted in the decade, as older households adapt to face new and continuing challenges. Learn what’s being done to address issues of affordability. Understand the latest travel patterns of those 65+ as observed in the 2009 National Household Travel Survey. Hear what public and private sector strategies AARP’s planning experts recommend for the creation of lifelong communities. During the webinar, presenters will show their new 6.5 minute video entitled, “Active Living for All Ages: Creating Communities Around Transit,” and discuss how the voices of older adults living in Arlington, VA’s TOD neighborhoods can help win the argument for walkable, mixed-use communities.
This event series is sponsored by the following divisions and chapters of APA: Arkansas Chapter, Connecticut Chapter, County Planning Division, Delaware Chapter, Economic Development Division, Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy Division, Florida Chapter, Gays and Lesbians in Planning Division, Illinois Chapter, Iowa Chapter, Indiana Chapter, Kansas Chapter, Louisiana Chapter, Maryland Chapter, Massachusetts Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Mississippi Chapter, Missouri Chapter, National Capital Chapter, Nebraska Chapter, Nevada Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New Mexico Chapter, New Urbanism Division, New York – Metro Chapter, New York - Upstate Chapter, North Carolina Chapter, Northern New England Chapter, Ohio Chapter, Pennsylvania Chapter, Planning and the Black Community Division, Planning and Women Division, Private Practice Division, Small Town and Rural Planning Division, Technology Division, Texas Chapter, The Ohio State University, Transportation Division, Utah Chapter, Virginia Chapter, Washington Chapter, and Wisconsin Chapter.
Anyone can sign up, and it's free!
To register, go to:
For more on APA's webinar series, go to
Tell a friend, and I'll see you there!
From the event description: We'll be covering national and state data on housing and transportation relevant to an aging population. Hear how disability rates, family structures, foreclosure rates, and the age of homes have shifted in the decade, as older households adapt to face new and continuing challenges. Learn what’s being done to address issues of affordability. Understand the latest travel patterns of those 65+ as observed in the 2009 National Household Travel Survey. Hear what public and private sector strategies AARP’s planning experts recommend for the creation of lifelong communities. During the webinar, presenters will show their new 6.5 minute video entitled, “Active Living for All Ages: Creating Communities Around Transit,” and discuss how the voices of older adults living in Arlington, VA’s TOD neighborhoods can help win the argument for walkable, mixed-use communities.
This event series is sponsored by the following divisions and chapters of APA: Arkansas Chapter, Connecticut Chapter, County Planning Division, Delaware Chapter, Economic Development Division, Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy Division, Florida Chapter, Gays and Lesbians in Planning Division, Illinois Chapter, Iowa Chapter, Indiana Chapter, Kansas Chapter, Louisiana Chapter, Maryland Chapter, Massachusetts Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Mississippi Chapter, Missouri Chapter, National Capital Chapter, Nebraska Chapter, Nevada Chapter, New Jersey Chapter, New Mexico Chapter, New Urbanism Division, New York – Metro Chapter, New York - Upstate Chapter, North Carolina Chapter, Northern New England Chapter, Ohio Chapter, Pennsylvania Chapter, Planning and the Black Community Division, Planning and Women Division, Private Practice Division, Small Town and Rural Planning Division, Technology Division, Texas Chapter, The Ohio State University, Transportation Division, Utah Chapter, Virginia Chapter, Washington Chapter, and Wisconsin Chapter.
Sign up quickly - spots are filling up faster than I anticipated.