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Showing posts from December, 2012

More Social Media - 2012 lessons from Twitter and best of @DrUrbanPolicy

I know that many of you are not yet on Twitter, so I thought I'd continue the Social Media discussion and offer a year-end wrap up of what's been going on @DrUrbanPolicy , and what I've learned about Twitter during the year. (For those that want to hear more about policy issues, don't worry - I've been bothered by something recently, so look for another post soon.)  First, you should be sure to read my last post:  "Social media - It's time to pay attention and yes, learn one more new thing." As I've mentioned,  I have become a big fan of the "mutually beneficial" side of social media - the ability to share what others have done, and seeing others share what I've done.  I welcome that change from many types of research, where the important thing is to differentiate your work from other researchers who are writing about similar topics. Social media allows me to write about the same events and topics as others, and become part of a